The AGM is scheduled for Monday 28th. April 2025 at 7.30 p.m. at the Coton and Hopwas Social Club situated off School Lane, Hopwas.
Whittington Firing Times 1 – 31 March 2025
Forestry Commission Inspection
The Parish Council have informed us that they have heard from Tarmac that the Forestry Commission will be carrying out an inspection over the next few weeks and any damaged trees will be felled if deemed necessary.
Newsletter April 2018
The latest Newsletter has been sent to members.
Lafarge Tarmac withdraws Hopwas Woods from Minerals Local Plan 30/10/2014
Lafarge Tarmac has asked Staffordshire County Council to withdraw Hopwas Woods from the Minerals Local Plan, which is currently under public consultation.
Stuart Wykes, Director of Land and Natural Resources, Lafarge Tarmac said:
“Following dialogue with stakeholders and partners we have asked Staffordshire County Council to withdraw the Hopwas Woods proposal from the Minerals Local Plan. We pride ourselves on working in harmony with local communities and want to do so at Hopwas”
“We want to work with local stakeholders on the stewardship of Hopwas Woods and we are willing to fund an independent study on its long term sustainability. This could include issues such as public access and environmental protection”
“We are committed to managing and enhancing the local habitat everywhere we operate.
We did not have firm plans to develop Hopwas but intended to use the public consultation on the Minerals Local Plan as an opportunity for dialogue to agree a way forward”
Neighbourhood Plan September 2013
Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council have decided to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish, which will give local people more say on planning decisions and carries statutory weight. Lichfield District Council has now designated the Parish as a Neighbourhood Plan area. A Steering group has now been established and the Friends Chairman is a member of the Group.
Minerals Local Plan
Staffordshire County Council has now considered a report into the preparation of a new Minerals Local Plan. The new Plan, when adopted, will replace their current plan. The new Plan will set out the vision, objectives and spatial strategy for future mineral related development within Staffordshire over the next 15 years.
Work on a replacement Minerals Local Plan started in 2005 but was deferred in 2009 to allow progress to be made in preparing the Joint Waste Local Plan. The Waste Local Plan is now nearing adoption and work has now recommenced on preparing a new Minerals Local Plan.
The proposed timetable is:
Prepare the Local Aggregate Assessment, the Statement of Community Involvement and the Scoping Report: March to June 2013
Notify key participants on commencement of Plan: July 2013
Consult on Draft Minerals Local Plan: November 2013
Representation period on proposed submission (draft): September 2014
Submission to the Secretary of State: January 2015
To read the recent report on the matter please visit: