Tarmac commenced their thinning works at the end of September and the works are due to be completed by the end of November 2012. The thinning works have been focused on the pine section of the wood and there are no proposals to carry out any further thinning across their part of the wood under the current licence which expires in 2017.
The work that has been done has been based on ensuring that the trees that are retained have a clear canopy relative to other neighbouring trees which gives added light to the wood floor.The wood floor has been affected by the tracks of the heavy vehicles that have had to be used due to the ground conditions and there are large amounts of wood debris. While the overall appearance is unkempt over the next few years natural regeneration and timber decay should provide an improved habitat for wildlife.
As for the MoD`s proposed works the Friends have been informed that any proposed harvesting and thinning works on their part of the Wood have been postponed until their Regional Head Forester is satisfied that the works will be in the long term interest of the woodland, and part of an agreed long term woodland management plan. The Regional Head Forester has agreed to meet the Friends Committee prior to any decisions being taken.