
Hopwas Wood also known as Hopwas Hayes Wood is ancient woodland situated in the District of Lichfield in Staffordshire. It is owned by Tarmac and the Ministry of Defence and public access to the Wood is via bridlepaths. From Hopwas access is off the A51 or from Wood Bridge which spans the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal.

The area owned by Tarmac sits on sand and gravel and therefore has potential for extraction. Because of the potential loss of a significant part of the Wood the Friends of Hopwas Wood was formed in 2004 and the Committee now provides a watching brief over activities affecting the Wood.

Since the Ministry of Defence have commenced firing on the Whittington Ranges the Wood is closed to the public through the Wood from the ranges down to Wood Bridge on various days. It is important that on the days that the Wood is closed that the public do not enter as it would be dangerous to do so. Please refer to the Recent Posts.